Happy New Year!
The new year is here, which means it’s a perfect time to start fresh.
I have just set goals for this year, I feel like I can achieve anything if I’m always in this positive and happy mode:) I was able to relax completely during the break, I did yoga and meditation constantly practicing how to control my mind, trying to relieve the stress as much as I could.
I really want this year to be filled with happiness and success. No more doubting about my abilities and just pushing boundaries until I reach where I want to be. I hope all your wishes come true this year!
This A4 calendar was my personal holiday project, I repurposed some of my old watercolour paintings and painted new ones. Hope this will make you happy every time you look at it:)
Copyrighted by Something Peach.
For personal and non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to sell this calendar in digital or print form, nor to distribute it in its original or in an altered form. Please link back to original post if you want to share this calendar.
I love watercolours for their flow, the way they blend into one another in beautiful, unexpected ways. I was planning to use different mediums to create wallpapers in the beginning, but I guess I will stick with watercolours for now as they make great wallpapers!
Download this wallpaper for all your devices:
2880 x 1800 Retina // 2560 x 1440 // 1440 x 900 // iPad // iPhone
Two of my freelance work finishing up soon = More time for illustrations, yay!!:)
Today I’m sharing this pretty pink and mint combo wallpaper. I think they look great together and luckily the watercolours turned out pretty nice. Hope you enjoy this wallpaper! 🙂
Download this wallpaper for all your devices:
2880 x 1800 Retina // 2560 x 1440 // 1440 x 900 // iPad // iPhone
I had too much freelance work last week that completely drained me and I just couldn’t come up with anything for the blog. Playing with bright water colours always brightens up my mood and it worked great for me today, so I’m spreading my happy vibes to you through this beautiful wallpaper:)
Download this wallpaper for all your devices:
2880 x 1800 Retina // 2560 x 1440 // 1440 x 900 // iPad // iPhone
I discovered a talented dessert designer via instagram. Her desserts are very unique and beautiful, I just love the way she uses colours… so brilliant!
Image by Nectar & Stone
Image by Cocoa & Hearts
Beautiful colour palette with grey shades and fluorescent blue. The ultimate chic combination!
Image by Anchor Ceramics
© 2014 somethingpeach | Site designed by Jinny Park | Themed by Mr Legacy